Fees & Payment
Important For Payments
- All payments (registrations, social dinners and posters) to the Summer School should be made (mandatory) via bank transfer and respecting payment deadlines before the Summer School start date.
- Inter-Divisional Teaching Commision (IDTC)
- IDTC Treasurer & Secretary: Prof. Kostantinos Skordoulis (Athens University, Greece)
- Please Transfer Fees to:
BANK: National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR23 0110 3590 0000 3590 9379 089
SWIFT/BIC: ETHNGRAA- IMPORTANT: Please in the causality section write: "Name Surname Fees Registration Summer School Lille 2015"
- After you have made your payment, it is mandatory to send via e-mail your confirmation (details of the payment, C.R.O., etc...) to:
- Kostas Skorddoulis (IDTC) kostas4skordoulis@gmail.com
- Raffaele Pisano (IDTC) raffaele.pisano@gmail.com
- Sophie Bouchez (MSHS) sophie.bouchez@meshs.fr
- IMPORTANT: Please in the causality section write: "Name Surname Fees Registration Summer School Lille 2015"
Deadlines Fees [For Participants Summer School only]
- Early Registration, from January 30th, 2015: 250 Euro
- Registration From March 30th, 2015: 300 Euro
- Closing Payments: April 30th, 2015
- Poster Session (70x100): 40 Euros [already printed and sent to the Summer School Venue, see Language & Presentation]
- Reduced fixed fees (no additional fees if late): 250 euros for participants from Developing Countries and retired scholars.
The Summer School Fees, 250 Euros (300 Euros if late) (for Registered-Paying Participants Status) include:
- - Five Day ISSHPSE-2015 International Summer School Enrolment.
- - Enrolment at the International Roundtable on June 26th, 2015.
- - Accommodation* in a Selected Hotel in the heart of Lille for five nights (22-26 June 2015), Breakfast included, Single Room "Comfort" with Private Services and Internet; 7-9 minute walk (ca. 900 mt) from the Venue.
- - Refreshments & Coffee break, 5 day Summer School
- - Lunch [Restaurant: Châtillon, Lille]
- - Summer School Materials & Facilities.
- - Certificate of Summer School Attendance.
- - Helpdesk Reception.
- - Welcome Cocktail in Lille.
- - Web Assistance.
- - Printing & Photocopies at MESHS (limited).
- - Visit of Lille (2h walk) with an English speaking tour guide [work in progress].
*: Please pay attention that we only cover accommodation from 22nd June 2015 to 26th June 2015. Some days before of 22nd June and just after 26th of June are up to the participant. Neverthless we can be of help to reserve (not pay) extra days as you like. Please write to:
The Summer School Fees (for Registered Participant Status) NOT included:
- - Summer School Social Dinner on June 25th, 2015 at special cost of 25 Euros. For registration and payment, see here.
- - Transport from/to Lille.
- - Lille Hotel City Tax: 0,99 € per night per person [5 nights = 4,95 € per person].
For Registration & Deadlines see here