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TUTORIAL FOR PARTICIPATING AT THE ISSHPSE-2015 IN 3 STEPS [Please follow the indications. Thank you]

  1. Please if you apply to the Summer School as a candidate, as a preliminary step - before the offcial registration and payment - you are invited to contact the summer school director, Raffaele Pisano ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ); additional information could be required.
  2. Please check which status corresponds to you below at the Summer School (Participant, Invited Lecturer, Participant Roundtable, Invited Keynote Speaker at Roundtable, Invited Member of Scientific Commitee, Invited Member of Organizing Commitee) and click the appropriate weblink.
  3. Then, please register on-line [If you are invited and will have 'multiple' statuses, you will need to register for each status, see link below].




  • Admission is based solely on the individual merits of each candidate (see above step 1 and Elegible Participants).





  • Registration Open:  January 30th, 2015 [see appropriate link above]
  • Acceptation: Once you have received admission status from the Summer School dierctor and have paid related fees [for Summer School Participants Status only]
  • To send a poster: April 30th, 2015 
  • Registration Closed: April 30th, 2015


Deadlines Fees & Payments see here