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Research Centre for the Theory and History of Science

would like to inform you about




5th International Conference of the ESHS


XXXII SISFA Congress 2012, Rome, Italy


SISFA 27th September 2012: Evening Plenary "Faraday Lecture"


Frank A. J. L. James (The Royal Institutution of Great Britain and Chair of the National Organising Committee for the XXIVth International Congress for the History of Science and Technology to be held in Manchester in July 2013). The "Faraday Lecture" is an important lecture in UK. Its objective is to present science and correlated technologies in an exciting manner (like Michael Faraday used to do) talking to large audience and exploring the fascinating world of pure and applied sciences. (Several Faraday Memorial Lectures were presented in the past: see here)


24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine


The 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine will be held at the University of Manchester, UK, from Monday 22-Sunday 28 July 2013.


The theme of the Congress is 'Knowledge at Work.' We construe the theme broadly to include studies of the creation, dissemination and deployment of knowledge and practice in science, technology and medicine across all periods, and to encompass a variety of methodological and historiographical approaches.


Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams


Scientiae 2013: Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World


Sites of Chemistry in the 19th Century


 ISPC Summer Symposium 2012


Publishing and funding for early career health historians


First European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences Conference


XXIII World Congress of Philosophy


AAAS Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science


Center for the Study of Scottish Philosophy International Symposium


Science, Space, and the Environment


Seventh Joint Meeting of the BSHS, CSHPS, and HSS


19th International Summer School in Cognitive Science


Information & communication technology in natural science education – 2012


Ireland International Conference on Education


24th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information


PSA 2012 Biennial Meeting


University of Exeter: Making Data Accessible to All


SOAS Translation Workshop in Japanese Studies


Never Again Rwanda's Peace-building Institute


Second IHPST Latin American Regional Conference


Annual Conference on Arab Philanthropy and Civic Engagement


Bohr atom centennial conference


Mathematicians and their gods


ASAUK Biennial Conference 2012





Emilio Segrè Visual Archives


Inter-divisional Teaching Commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science


Philosophical Readings


Books & Reviews



Frank A. J. L. James: The Correspondence of Michael Faraday, Vol. 6


The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot's Work on Motion as an Example of Preclassical Mechanics