Dr. Raffaele Pisano [Keynote Speaker Roundtable, France]
Raffaele Pisano is physicist and Qualified and Habilis (HDR) Lecturer–Researcher of History of physics, History and epistemology of science, e Science & society studies at the University of Lille 1, France. Vice President elected (2011-) of the Inter–Divisional Teaching Commission (Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science/International Union for History and Philosophy of Science). Past head of the Research Centre for the Theory and History of Science, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Author of more than one hundred publications in the fields of history and historical epistemology of sciences (physics-mathematics). Recently: Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship (2014, 2nded., Netherland: Springer) with Charles Coulston Gillispie, Princeton University, USA; The Dialectic Relation between Physics and Mathematics in The XIXth Century (2013, Netherland: Springer) co-editor with Evelyne Barbin, University de Nantes, France. Forthcoming: Tartaglia’s Science of Weights and Mechanics in Sixteenth–Century. Selections from Quesiti et inventioni diverse: Books VII–VIII (Netherland: Springer) with Danilo Capecchi, La Sapienza University, Italy; A Bridge between Conceptual Frameworks, Science, Society and Technology Studies (Editor. Netherland: Springer). Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica “Jesuit” Edition: The Tenor of a Huge Work, Accademia Nazionale Lincei-Rendiconti Matematica e Applicazioni 2014, 25:1-32 (with Paolo Bussotti).
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Hist&Epist&Sci | 4. Topics: History and Historical Epistemology of Science & Ideas [Dr. Pisano, France] | 24. Jun 2015 | 24. Jun 2015 |