Professor Flavia Marcacci [Lecturer International Summer School, Vatican State]
Flavia Marcacci is philosopher and historian of science. She is professor of History of Scientific Thought at the Pontifical Lateran University (Vatican State). Her research areas of specialisation is the history of science, especially history of logic and astronomy. She is Vice President of the Irafs–International Research Area of Foundations of Sciences at Lateran University and she collaborates with many journals, as Isis, Archive pour l'histoire des sciences, AHS-Advanced in Historical Studies. Member of the Interuniversity Research Center in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics.Author of many articles in the fields of history and philosophy of sciences and history of philosophy. Forthcoming: Intervista a Galileo (with W.R. Shea, 2015, Roma: Carocci); Galileo, una storia da osservare (2015, Roma: Lateran Press). Other books: Alle origini dell’assiomatica: gli Eleati, Aristotele, Euclide. Roma: Aracne (1° ed. 2008) (ed.) Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius (2009, Vatican City: Lateran University Press), (ed.) Magna longeque ad mirabilia. Astronomia e cosmologia nel fondo antico della Biblioteca Beato Pio IX (2009, Modena-Vatican City: F. C. Panini - Lateran University Press).
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Phil&Hist&Sci | 1. Topics: Philosophy and History of Science [Prof. Marcacci, Vatican State] | 22. Jun 2015 | 22. Jun 2015 |