Professor Denise Orange-Ravachol [Lecturer International Summer School, France]
Denise Orange Ravachol is a former student in sciences at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris. After obtaining the Agrégation in Natural Sciences, she taught in high school and at university. With a PhD and a Habilitation, she is currently Professor in Sciences Education at the University of Lille 3 (France). Her research deals with the construction of knowledge by pupils, students and teachers in Life and Earth Sciences, especially within the « Educations à » field (sustainable development and Health education). Furthemore, her research, inscribed within the theoretical framework of problematization, studies functionalist and historical problematizations in Life and Earth Sciences, particularly in their teaching, and examines the importance of structuring principles – the principle of actualism and the functions of time - in the construction of scientific knowledge. Epistemologically deeply rooted, her studies analyze the intellectual functioning of learners through their oral and written productions during teaching sequences, with special attention given to situations of debate and to the elaboration of scientific texts.
Main publications:
- Orange Ravachol, D. (2014). Les « Éducations à » et les sciences de la nature : entre dédisciplinarisation et redisciplinarisation. Éducation et socialisation 36. Via: http://edso.revues.org/903
- Orange Ravachol, D. (2012). Didactique des sciences de la vie et de la Terre, entre phénomènes et événements. Rennes: PUR, collection Païdeia. 170 pp.
- Orange Ravachol, D. (2012). Les savoirs géologiques et la société : entre problématisation et storytelling. Actes du Colloque sur Les géosciences au service de la société [Lausanne, 24-26 June 2010].
- Orange Ravachol, D. & Beorchia, F. (2011). Principes structurants et construction de savoirs en sciences de la vie et de la Terre. Education & Didactique 5/1:7-27.
- http://theodile.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/cms/index.php?option=com_simplelists&view=simplelist&layout=default&category_id=105:denise-orange-ravachol
- http://www.youscribe.com/catalogue/tous/education/cours/denise-orange-ravachol-1-diplomes-et-titres-universitaires-386296
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Sci&Teach | 5. Topics: Science Teaching [Prof. Orange-Ravachol, France] | 23. Jun 2015 | 23. Jun 2015 |