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6. Commentator and Speaker - Topics: History and Philosophy of Science [Prof. Condé, Brazil]

Start Date:
26. June 2015, 16:10
Finish date:
26. June 2015, 16:30
MESHS - Espace Baïetto



The Science of Sciences: Ludwik Fleck’s Historical Epistemology


Abstract Roundtable

The aim of this talk is to present the main lines of the historical epistemology of Ludwik Fleck (1896-1961), especially his pioneer idea of historicity of science, that is, the idea that the history of knowledge changes its final results. In another words, according to him, there is no knowledge without history and this history interferes in the sciences’ final results. The main work of Fleck, Genesis and development of a scientific fact, appeared in 1935, but only entered at the historiography of science in 1962 when quoted by Kuhn in his The structure of scientific revolutions. Although recognized late, Fleck was a pioneer when postulated an historical epistemology that takes the history and the social aspects of science as important elements in determining the scientific development. The reflection on science in its many scientific, historical, social and philosophical issues is a kind of "science" to study science itself, that is, what Fleck called "the science of sciences". Fleck's work still presents good possibilities to help us to understand the sciences in its historical, sociological and philosophical aspects.

As Commentator, I will officially comment and discuss the talks presented a well. A shprt comment will be submitted in this room some days later the end of the Roundtable event.


Selected References

  • Fleck L (1979) [1935] Genesis and development of a scientific fact. Chicago: The University of Chicago
  • Fleck L (1980) [1935]. Entstehung und entwicklung einer wissenschftlichen Tatsache . Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp
  • Cohen, R; Schnelle, T (eds.). (1986) Cognition and fact: materials on Ludwik Fleck. Dordrecht: Reidel Publish Company
  • Kuhn, T (1970) [1962] The structure of scientific revolution. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press


