Professor Shahid Rahman [Lecturers International Summer School, France]
Rahman Shahid is “classe exceptionnelle E2” full professor for logic and epistemology at the University of Lille 3, France. He is elected member (2011) of the Comité national français d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences of the Académie des sciences. He is running director (for the French side) of the du ANR-DFG Franco-German project 2012-2015 (Lille (MESHS)/Konstanz, Prof M. Armgardt): Théorie du Droit et Logique/Jurisprudenz und Logik.. Scientific Director of the research programme ADA de la MESHS with the partnership of 18 Research Laboatories Nord pas de Calais, France.
Prof. Rahman develops his reesearches in the fields of Logic, Philosophy of Logic, History of Logic, where he studies and deploys the epistemological consequences of what is called the “Dialogical Turn”. According to this approach the core of rationality is constituted by, to make use of Brandom’s formulation - games of giving and asking for reasons.
He is Editor of 5 collections Book : (1) with John Symons chez Kluwer-Springer: Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science. (25 ouvrages actuellement); (2) Springer (new Series part of the project ADA): Interdisciplinary approaches to Reasoning: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences; (3) with D. Gabbay chez King’s College: Cahiers de Logique et Epistémologie; (4) King’s College with N. Clerbout and M. Fontaine: Dialogues and the Games of logic. A philosophical perspective; (5) with J. Redmond, King’s College: Cuadernos de Logica, Epistemologia y Lenguaje.
Forthcoming Book: Linking Games and Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, CTT-Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice. with Nicolas Clerbout. Springer-Briefs [To appear 2015]
Info and Publications:
- https://univ-lille3.academia.edu/ShahidRahman
- http://stl.recherche.univ-lille3.fr/sitespersonnels/rahman/accueilrahman.html
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Log&Epist&Sci | 2. Topics: Logic and Epistemology of Science [Prof. Rahman Shahid] | 24. Jun 2015 | 24. Jun 2015 |