Professor Peter Heering and Martin Panusch* [Lecturers International Summer School, Germany]
Peter Heering is professor of physics and physics didactics at the Institute of mathematic, scientific and technical literacy. Section of physics, its didactics and its history at the Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany. He was trained at the University of Oldenburg where he completed his Ph.D. in 1995. In 2006 he completed his habilitation in history of science at the University of Hamburg. Between 1996 and 2009 he was senior lecturer at the physics institute of the University of Oldenburg. In 2004, he was Scholar–in–Residence at the Deutsches Museum Munich, in 2006/7 he was professorial substitute of the chair for physics didactics at the University of Augsburg. His main research interests are historical scientific practices, which he analyses with the replication method, the relation between research and teaching experiments and the implementation of history of science in science education.
He is currently President of the IHPST–Group (http://ihpst.net) and Vice–President of the Inter–divisional Teaching Commission of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science.
- de.linkedin.com/pub/peter-heering/46/326/859/de
- http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Heering3
- http://www4.uni-flensburg.de/?1701
Martin Panusch is researcher and working with Peter Heering at the University of Flensburg on the History of the apparatus that Robert Millikan used in his Nobel Prize winning research on the charge of the electron. He is recreating the instrument as part of an investigation into its performance and an understanding of the skills of the experimenter. His work has already taken him to CalTech and the University of Chicago in search of clues. His visit to Aarhus is occasioned by inspection of a period chronometer at the Steno Museum.
Code | Course Title | Start Date | Finish date |
Hist&Phy&Sci&Edu | 3. Topics: History of Science & Science Education [Prof. Heering & Panusch, Germany] | 24. Jun 2015 | 24. Jun 2015 |